Feature Release 2021/01
We are happy to announce our 1st Feature Release of 2021 including a bunch of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
If you are a SoccerLAB customer don’t hesitate to ask for some extra explanations through the support channels.
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Scouting - Letter scoring
Evaluate players by using letters instead of figures. Each letter is linked with a score based on the definition of the customer: meaning average calculations and rankings can be calculated
Scouting - categories
For categories inside scout reports, a new type is introduced. This allows cross calculations between different templates to enhance your benchmarks and statistics..
Scouting - weights
Weights on different levels like categories, scouting sources and criteria enable a custom structure of score and average calculations
Widget: Quickview Scouting
Create an instant overview on your scouted players by installing the quickview widget. This new widget will visualize your own key scores. Define your icons and colors to represent your way of working.
Widget: Game Calendar
On your main dashboard you can display now your individual game calendar, incl. direct options to schedule scouting tasks, to enter games, to create scout reports …
- New icon service – library of icons which can be assigned to templates and other objects
- [Widget] indicating by size and colour of an icon the average of certain scout report templates and/or categories
- [Widget] game history per player – available for internal and external player incl. action button
- [Widget] upcoming games of a player – listing possible next 5 games
- [Widget] scout reports of a player – including filter options which reports should be listed
- Button to switch between internal and external player profile per player
- Print report on the current medical status of a team
- Define per scouting template a specific icon
- Define per category inside a scout report template specific weight
- Define per scouting source a specific icon
- Define per scouting source-specific weight
- Define for scouting criteria of the type list values, per value a score behind the value
Our release notes about 2021/1 can be viewed here: https://soccerlab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/1544585224