Feature Release 2021/03
We are happy to announce our Feature Release 2021/3 including a bunch of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
If you are a SoccerLAB customer don’t hesitate to ask for some extra explanations through the support channels.
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Medical - Medical Forms
We revamped the Medical Form with a completely new design. Injuries, illnesses, and preventions can now be managed within different tabs, which improves User Experience.
Medical - Historical Training Participation Grade
We improved and extended functionalities within the Training Participation. Medical and performance staff can now define steps, grades, and periods for a better follow-up and more extensive status history.
Medical - Pain Level
We improved the follow-up and status assessment of injuries, by adding also the pain level per player & injury inside the Medical Form.
Scouting & Personal Development - Faster data entry
We enhanced and extended functionalities within our Reporting templates with multiple additional tools. Both within Personal Development as within Scouting (Player evaluation of a game), this enables easier and faster data entry.
- New player profile header: a new design for internal and external player profiles is introduced
- Improved filter options for persons/addresses based on any seasonal team
- Generic excel export for personal data
- Text Widget: on all dashboard levels a new plain text widget can be used
- Played Games Widget: improved filter to see scouted games of a player
- Online-Analysis: improved player mapping when importing XML files
- Scouting: new widgets to follow up players by selected tags
- Scouting: new widget displaying specific information of scout reports
- Scouting: new design for the pitch inside shadow teams
- Scouting: option to show the sum of a category inside a scout report7
- Scout App: color settings for scores (bad, good) are introduced
- Medical: new data fields location and work accident inside injury form
- Medical: Extended filter options inside injury lists
- Medical: Tags can be assigned to injuries, illnesses, and preventions
- Medical: notes of a player are shown and editable in a new design
- Mobile App: new document browsing functionality incl. favorite function
Our release notes about 2021/3 can be viewed here: https://soccerlab.atlassian.net/l/c/MX3hxi1H